Friday, July 10, 2009

Dealing With Foreclosure/Loan officers/Mortgage Co.

During this time when the economy is so bad so many people are facing foreclosure on their homes, It seems like at these time's is when people look for victims to scam, as it is you are already hurting and in need of help, and we all look to the person that is out their with what they call our answer or the answer to our problems, the sad thing is that these people are just trying to get us when we are at our most vulnerable point, These people are what I call fiery darts from the devil to stop us from doing Gods work, But just know this that if God is for you who can be against you? If you look to Jesus he will always lead you the right way and he will show you who is really just trying to scam you and who wants to help you. I had a Chance to work for a company that does home modifications for people that are losing their homes at first I thought it was a blessing but as I found out more it was just another scam. I could not accept the job although it was going to pay me $3000.00 for each person I (!!helped!!) I don't think so. The Company was charging for a service that is already available from the Mortgage Co's for free and if I had accepted the Job I would have been just as bad as them ( a scam-er). I did need the money as I was in foreclosure my self and I know that if I had accepted the Job I would have been able to get caught up on my payments. I just could not do it and now I am out of foreclosure, I did not have to put any money down, and my interest rate and payment went down. As for Loan officers they are just as bad they do not care if they get you the worst loan ever just as long as they get paid and keep their homes, they do not even explain what the terms mean like APR, Fixed APR, Arm Loan, all the Fancy words they use to get us to get the loan. Well I dealt with the Mortgage Co in the beginning I was being told there was nothing that could be done for me just pay my payments at 1 1/2 payments per month until I get caught up, well this is impossible as I lost $900.00 per month in income, So I just got further and further behind as each time I sent the payment to them they sent it back because it was not the full amount, I would not make the arrangements that the wanted because I knew I could not pay what they wanted me to they told me that if I make the arrangement and failed to keep it I would not ever be put on another one so I never made the arrangement, All I could do way go to God and continue to pray that he would help me and one day I had been praying when I got a phone call it was a lady at my Mortgage Co Her name was Michelle She told me to call this # and when I did I was asked some questions like why did I fall behind what are the changes in my life that made me in such debt after I answered the I was told I would be set up for loan Modification, all I had to do was send in the info they asked for and sign some forms. which I did my interest rate went down to 6% and my payments went down by $468.00. Needless to say if I had taken that JOB I would have paid my payments my interest rate & payments would have gone up, and I would have been a scam-mer just like the rest of the people. Because of Gods Mercy Love and forgiveness in my life I was blessed then and now. This is just one more of the things he has done for me. I praise God and give him the Glory for every thing in my Life with out him I am nothing. May the peace of God be with you always

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